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Czasopisma zagraniczne 2022

  1. British Journal of Industrial Relations
  2. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal
  3. European Journal of Industrial Relations
  4. European Journal of Social Security
  5. Formation Emploi
  6. Industrial and Labour Relations Review
  7. Industrial Relations
  8. Industrielle Beziehungen
  9. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
  10. International Journal of Human Resource Management
  11. Journal of European Social Policy
  12. Journal of Labor Economics
  13. Journal of Labor Research
  14. Journal of Social Security Law
  15. Labor Law Journal
  16. Labour
  17. Labour Economics
  18. New Technology, Work and Employment
  19. Revue Belge de Sécurité Sociale
  20. La Revue de l’I.R.E.S
  21. Revue Française des Affaires Sociales
  22. Soziale Sicherheit
  23. Work and Stress
  24. Work, Employment and Society
  25. WSI Mitteilungen
  • Ministerstwo Rozwoju, Pracy i Technologii
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